Heart Of A Champion

A story from India tells about a mouse who was terrified of cats until a magician turned him into a cat. That solved the problem until the cat encountered a dog, so the new cat asked the magician to turn him into a dog. That worked well until the new dog met a tiger. So the new dog asked the magician to turn him into a tiger. That helped until the new tiger walked up on a hunter. The mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog-turned-tiger complained to the magician again. This time, the magician turned him back into a mouse saying, “You have the body of a tiger, but you still have the heart of a mouse.”

The intriguing thing about the Christian experience is that God reverses the process. As Christians, we still have the body of a human being, but we have been given the heart of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit fills our heart and incrementally transforms our life, we may look the same on the outside, but we are being made new on the inside with a powerful faith, Christ-like character, confident demeanor and victorious outlook.

It is as Paul said, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).  

Dear child of God, you are no mere mouse! You have been given the heart of a champion! Now live it—from the inside out!

Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron

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