About Things We Do Not Choose

I heard a story about a particular business that asked all of its employees to give to a local charity. They asked every employee to participate willingly in this charity. However, one man refused to give in support and stated openly, even defiantly that he would not give to this charity. Further, he said it would be futile to ask for a contribution of him. When told that the company’s boss expected everyone to give, the man said, “I am not going to give any of my hard-earned money to that fund.”

Well, the word got back to the boss that this employee adamantly refused to give. So the boss called the employee into his office and said, “I know you have been told that I want 100% participation in the fund from my employees. So I have two choices. I can receive from you now your contribution, or I can cut you from my payroll so that I will have 100% support. But I’ll let you decide—which do you choose?”

Immediately, the man said, “Here is my money right now.” The boss smiled and said, “What made you change your mind?” The employee answered, “Well, nobody quite explained it to me like that before.”

That story makes me smile…but it also reminds me of a truth about trials. Life has a way of bringing things to us and making demands of us that we would not want. We have all had to face trials we would not choose. In those times, though we may not understand it in the moment, we must trust that our Heavenly Father will somehow use it to bring about good for us.
The Apostle Paul, who was no stranger to hardships, recommended for us to “rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God is pouring out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us” (Romans 5:3-5). God has a way of bringing good things to us by the trials that come upon us. All of this works to fulfill God’s goal for us to be more like Jesus. God is good all the time! Amen!

Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron

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