The Obligation of Kindness

I mentioned this past Sunday in my sermon how much I loved the cartoon strip Peanuts that ran in newspapers across the country for many years. I will share another Peanuts strip with you today. In this one, Charlie Brown is talking on the phone to a girl who says, “Hey, guess what I’m running for? May Day Queen at school.” Charlie Brown answers, “That’s very interesting. Lucy has already been chosen at our school.” The girl on the phone replies, “Your school has pretty low standards, huh, Charlie?” After Charlie Brown hangs up the phone, he looks at Lucy and says, “She says, Congratulations!”
That’s kindness!
Okay, maybe it was not true what he said. Still you have to salute Charlie Brown (cartoonist Charles Schulz) for highlighting the beauty of kindness. The Lord knows we need this reminder in the world we live in today…
This week I saw an unhappy motorist purposefully bump the car in front of her because that driver did not move fast enough when the light turned green. Admittedly, the slow-to-respond driver seemed distracted (probably by her own phone) and should have already moved—and I get it that it is frustrating when a lead car does not move once the light turns green. But, normally, a polite honk will suffice. Instead, this impatient driver made her point by an unnecessary, aggressive act. She left a noticeable dent on the car in front of her and she made an impression on me, as well, in how poorly she handled the situation. Whatever that was which I saw, it was not kindness.
So what is kindness? It is love in action. It is love expressed in practical and personal ways. The Bible teaches, “The Lord’s servant…must be kind to everyone” (1 Timothy 2:24). This includes the words we say: “Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit: (Proverbs 15:4). It involves the things we do: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with…kindness” (Colossians 3:12). It is among the Fruit of the Spirit, “The Fruit of the Spirit is…kindness (Galatians 5:22).
The life of Christ teaches us to choose kindness every day! As recipients of God’s kindness, we have an obligation to show kindness to others. This we should do and can do. If we depend on the Holy Spirit, He will strengthen us to show kindness in every kind of way.
Oh, by the way, why not perform an act of kindness for someone today?
Devotedly yours,
 Pastor Ron

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