June 24th, 2023
by Dr. Ron Harvey
by Dr. Ron Harvey
Are you able to fill-in this blank on a biblical quotation question?
“Our Father Which Art In Heaven ___________ Be Thy Name” (Matthew 6:9).
I am confident you know the answer to this question is Hallowed. Well, it turns out that three of thesmart contestants on the TV Show Jeopardy on Tuesday, June 16, had no clue as to what was the answer to this $200 clue when asked by Jeopardy host Mayim Bailik. That, my friends, makes me sad!
I agree with Trevin Max, Vice President of Research and Development at North American Mission Board (NAMB), who said the incident serves as “a sign of a secularizing society and the decline of common Christian knowledge.” Others have said, and I agree as well, that it reveals the decline of Christianity in America.
This subject is important to me and I will tell you why: In recent years, I have seen in our culture the loss of a high regard for Scripture. Furthermore, there is an ever-increasing tendency to ignore Scripture and a growing ignorance of Scripture. In our nation today and in our present culture, we are in jeopardy of losing something important and that is a knowledge of God’s word. That would be an inestimable loss to our lives and our well-being as a people. Let us do our part and not contribute to this great tragedy.
Let me remind you today of the great treasure we have in God’s word, and to challenge you to devote your mind and heart to the study of God’s Word. Take every opportunity to grow your knowledge of scripture by regularly listening to a qualified teacher in a Connect group and to receive the preaching of the Bible from a pastor in worship. Spend time in personal study with your daily prayer time. Let us do as the Apostle Paul challenged us to do: “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying) the word of God” (2 Timothy 2:15).
God has given us the precious, priceless gift of His word. We must now give ourselves wholeheartedly to read it, listen to it, and obey it! May this be so for you and me!
Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron
“Our Father Which Art In Heaven ___________ Be Thy Name” (Matthew 6:9).
I am confident you know the answer to this question is Hallowed. Well, it turns out that three of thesmart contestants on the TV Show Jeopardy on Tuesday, June 16, had no clue as to what was the answer to this $200 clue when asked by Jeopardy host Mayim Bailik. That, my friends, makes me sad!
I agree with Trevin Max, Vice President of Research and Development at North American Mission Board (NAMB), who said the incident serves as “a sign of a secularizing society and the decline of common Christian knowledge.” Others have said, and I agree as well, that it reveals the decline of Christianity in America.
This subject is important to me and I will tell you why: In recent years, I have seen in our culture the loss of a high regard for Scripture. Furthermore, there is an ever-increasing tendency to ignore Scripture and a growing ignorance of Scripture. In our nation today and in our present culture, we are in jeopardy of losing something important and that is a knowledge of God’s word. That would be an inestimable loss to our lives and our well-being as a people. Let us do our part and not contribute to this great tragedy.
Let me remind you today of the great treasure we have in God’s word, and to challenge you to devote your mind and heart to the study of God’s Word. Take every opportunity to grow your knowledge of scripture by regularly listening to a qualified teacher in a Connect group and to receive the preaching of the Bible from a pastor in worship. Spend time in personal study with your daily prayer time. Let us do as the Apostle Paul challenged us to do: “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying) the word of God” (2 Timothy 2:15).
God has given us the precious, priceless gift of His word. We must now give ourselves wholeheartedly to read it, listen to it, and obey it! May this be so for you and me!
Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron
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