Soar Like An Eagle

The story is told of a teenage farm boy whose father raised chickens on the family land in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. One day the young teen climbed up a lofty peak and found an eagle’s nest. He grabbed an egg from the nest and brought it back down to the farm. He put it under a setting hen with her other eggs. Evidently, the hen did not know the difference—an egg was just an egg to her. The hen’s instinct was to sit on the eggs until they hatched. A few days later, out came this eaglet, and it lived with the chickens in the barnyard a chicken life.

The eaglet was, at first, content to live among the chickens and do chicken things. However, as the eaglet grew, he felt strange stirrings within himself, and so often must have thought: There is more to me than being a chicken. He ignored these feelings for a while—but then one day an eagle flew over the chicken yard, and the eaglet got the idea: I am like that bird in the sky. Suddenly, the eaglet felt the strength in his majestic wings and power in his magnificent heart. So the eaglet thought: I want to soar in the blue sky and see the spectacular mountain peaks. He was no longer content to stay in the confines of the barnyard. Though he had never flown, the instinct and power were within him, and suddenly he lifted his wings in flapping motion and began to soar through the air, higher and further into the blue until he landed on a high peak. That day the eaglet discovered his real identity and what, from the beginning, he was intended to be.

It is possible for us to be like the eaglet living with chickens. We may forget who we are and fall in step with people around us. We may live like those who have no greater ambition than satisfying self with the chicken feed of daily existence within the confines of a materialistic worldview. We may adapt to their life pattern and adopt their limited humanistic perspective. We can live for years without recognizing the difference between the way we live and the way our awesome God purposed us to live.

If you are an eagle, your life is about more than chicken feed in a barnyard. God created you for a greater experience and a higher existence. You were made to fly! His purpose is for you to soar to great heights of spiritual splendor with your Maker. Trust me; you can do this! The Bible says, “Those who (trust) in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Maybe it is time for you to fly higher and soar closer to your Maker! Yes, indeed, this is for you –and for all those who trust in the Lord…

Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron

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