August 26th, 2023
by Dr. Ron Harvey
by Dr. Ron Harvey
In recent writings, I have urged you to—Receive today as a gift from Almighty God. Do as the psalmist said:
“This is the day the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24 NKJV).
As I suggested last week, you are not going to be able to enjoy today unless you—Let go of past things. Paul said, “Forgetting those things which are behind…” (Philippians 3:13).
I think the reason we can enjoy today and let go of yesterday is because we know who holds tomorrow. Hope is faith turned to the future. The Apostle Paul instructs us to Put our hope in God “who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17). Our hope in God brings us a bright optimism about life and our future.
I read the story about a traveler who stopped in a small town and asked,” What is this town known for—anything special?” A
long-time resident of the town and older man thought for a moment, then said with a twinkle in his eye and a big smile on his face, “Mister, I’ll tell you what it is; this small town is the starting point from which you can go any place in the world. You can start here and go anywhere.”
Our God gives us the kind of hopeful optimism which believes today is the place from which you can go anywhere. You can move on to a better and more fulfilling life. It is only going to get better. The foundation of this faith is a place called Calvary. As the song says, “Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” That is why our faith in Christ gives us hope for the future. This is why we should never give up hope!
Meditate on this: Receive today as a gift from God. You can do it by letting go of past things and by holding on to hope for future things. Now enjoy today!
Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron
“This is the day the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24 NKJV).
As I suggested last week, you are not going to be able to enjoy today unless you—Let go of past things. Paul said, “Forgetting those things which are behind…” (Philippians 3:13).
I think the reason we can enjoy today and let go of yesterday is because we know who holds tomorrow. Hope is faith turned to the future. The Apostle Paul instructs us to Put our hope in God “who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17). Our hope in God brings us a bright optimism about life and our future.
I read the story about a traveler who stopped in a small town and asked,” What is this town known for—anything special?” A
long-time resident of the town and older man thought for a moment, then said with a twinkle in his eye and a big smile on his face, “Mister, I’ll tell you what it is; this small town is the starting point from which you can go any place in the world. You can start here and go anywhere.”
Our God gives us the kind of hopeful optimism which believes today is the place from which you can go anywhere. You can move on to a better and more fulfilling life. It is only going to get better. The foundation of this faith is a place called Calvary. As the song says, “Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” That is why our faith in Christ gives us hope for the future. This is why we should never give up hope!
Meditate on this: Receive today as a gift from God. You can do it by letting go of past things and by holding on to hope for future things. Now enjoy today!
Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron
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