A Good Example

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). These words come from the Apostle Paul and serve as a good reminder. Be a good example as you follow the best example! When I think about the Apostle Paul, I cannot begin to imagine the kind of impact he had in people’s lives over the years and that continues today because of his resolve to follow the example of Christ. I would not know how to begin to make an estimate of his accumulative influence…

I have read that one kernel of wheat in the ground produces a stalk bearing three heads of wheat. In each head, there are fifteen to thirty-five kernels, altogether producing somewhat close to a hundred kernels from the stalk. When planted, these kernels will produce ten thousand kernels. When those ten thousand are replanted, they produce a million kernels.

What is true for Paul is true of us all. As followers of Christ, if we live out our faith, we have an opportunity to influence positively lives around us. We have the ability to make a difference in people’s lives—perhaps many! I think more than we could imagine…

Alexander Hamilton once said, “This I learned from the shadow of a tree—my influence may fall where I can never be.” This is the way of influence. It reaches beyond you and falls on people and in places of which you are unaware.

So exercise extreme care as you cast the shadow of your influence! Let this serve to remind you that others are watching your life, so always strive to be a good influence. Make sure your example is beneficial and not detrimental. Live in such a way that your influence is constructive and not destructive. Walk prudently that others may benefit from your life positively! Again, remember this: Be a good example as you follow the best example!

Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron

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