How To Fly A Kite

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man (person) remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

A dozen times in John 15, Jesus used the expression remain (NIV) or abide (NKJV). His illustration is that of a vine and its branches. The branches are united to the vine and draw upon its life and strength. All the branch has to do is remain, stay in contact, with the vine and it will bear fruit.

You and I are united to Jesus by faith. However, along with this union we must have communion. We must have an abiding fellowship with Christ, and draw upon His life and strength. To remain (abide) in Christ means to stay in fellowship with Him; and this we do through faithful study of God’s word, prayer, worship and obedience. How important is this? Jesus says, “apart from me you can do nothing.” That is why the spiritual disciplines are indispensable in daily living!

You know all about flying a kite…A kite and string are connected to you, the owner. Now, think about this: Let’s say that the kite represents you, the string represents your relationship with Him, and the wind represents the Holy Spirit. Then you are in a position, while connected to our Lord and as the wind (Holy Spirit) blows, you (the kite) will go higher and higher, and this, in turn, pleases the owner (Lord).

This is how to fly a kite—and by that, I mean an uplifting (and fruitful) Christian life! I pray that you will stay connected daily with this power through a close, personal relationship with our Lord. (If this is your desire, then do not miss the sermon this Sunday).

Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron

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