August 17th, 2024
by Dr. Ron Harvey
by Dr. Ron Harvey
Recently, my wife Rhonda and I were thrilled to take our grandchildren to a Legos Store in Orlando. These kids love this place! That is what makes it fun for us! Anyway, the experience served to remind me of an interesting story I read a few years ago in Our Daily Bread Ministries Devotional. I think you will enjoy
Approximately ten Lego pieces are sold for every person on earth each year—more than seventy-five billion of the little plastic bricks. But it if wasn’t for the perseverance of Danish toymaker Ole Kirk Christiansen, there wouldn’t be any Legos to snap together.
Christiansen toiled in Billund, Denmark, for decades before creating Leg Godt, which means, “play well.” His workshop was destroyed by fire twice. He endured bankruptcy and a world war that caused a shortage of materials. Finally, in the late 1940’s, he landed on the idea for self-locking plastic bricks. By the time Ole Kirk died in 1958, Legos was on the verge of becoming a household word.
The daily devotional went on to say: Persevering in the challenges of work and life can be difficult. That is also true in our spiritual life as we strive to grow more like Jesus. Trouble hits us, and we need God’s strength to persevere. However, the book of James promises, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial” (James 1:12). Sometimes the trials we face are setbacks in relationships or finances or health. Sometimes they are temptations that slow us down in our goal of honoring God with our lives.
Further (in that same chapter of James), God promises wisdom for such trials: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God…and it will be given” (v. 5), and we are told to believe when we ask and to trust Him to provide for our needs (v. 6). Through it all, we discover that when we allow God to help us persevere in honoring Him with our lives, we find true blessing (v. 12).
What trials are you facing today? How can God help you? Perhaps, we should all pray for God to strengthen us to persevere in our faithfulness to Him as we anticipate His blessings in our lives.
Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron
Approximately ten Lego pieces are sold for every person on earth each year—more than seventy-five billion of the little plastic bricks. But it if wasn’t for the perseverance of Danish toymaker Ole Kirk Christiansen, there wouldn’t be any Legos to snap together.
Christiansen toiled in Billund, Denmark, for decades before creating Leg Godt, which means, “play well.” His workshop was destroyed by fire twice. He endured bankruptcy and a world war that caused a shortage of materials. Finally, in the late 1940’s, he landed on the idea for self-locking plastic bricks. By the time Ole Kirk died in 1958, Legos was on the verge of becoming a household word.
The daily devotional went on to say: Persevering in the challenges of work and life can be difficult. That is also true in our spiritual life as we strive to grow more like Jesus. Trouble hits us, and we need God’s strength to persevere. However, the book of James promises, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial” (James 1:12). Sometimes the trials we face are setbacks in relationships or finances or health. Sometimes they are temptations that slow us down in our goal of honoring God with our lives.
Further (in that same chapter of James), God promises wisdom for such trials: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God…and it will be given” (v. 5), and we are told to believe when we ask and to trust Him to provide for our needs (v. 6). Through it all, we discover that when we allow God to help us persevere in honoring Him with our lives, we find true blessing (v. 12).
What trials are you facing today? How can God help you? Perhaps, we should all pray for God to strengthen us to persevere in our faithfulness to Him as we anticipate His blessings in our lives.
Devotedly yours,
Pastor Ron
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