Joy To You And Me
by Dr. Ron Harvey on December 23rd, 2023
I am excited over our Christmas Eve Morning & Evening Services tomorrow! I look forward to this every year! This year in our December 24th Evening Service, we will open with one of my all-time Christmas favorites: Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come. Here is why I like it so much: Joy is an essential part of the Christmas season—and for good reason! The first announcement of the birth of Christ cam...  Read More
What the Shepherds Heard
by Dr. Ron Harvey on December 16th, 2023
This past Sunday in our Advent Series, you will recall, I spoke about the angel who shared the announcement of Christ’s birth. It came with great joy and celebration. The angel said, “I will bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people…” (Luke 2:10). Indeed, Good News came for all the people. This is underscored by the ones to whom the announcement was delivered. Shepherds were...  Read More
Magnify This At Christmas
by Dr. Ron Harvey on December 9th, 2023
Today, let us revisit from last Sunday’s sermon, Mary’s Song of Praise, called the Magnificat, which serves as a testimony in worship…“My soul magnifies the Lord                                                and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,                        for He has been mindful                                                  of the humble state of His servant.                   ...  Read More
Welcome to the Wonder of Christmas
by Dr. Ron Harvey on December 2nd, 2023
This Sunday, December 3, marks the beginning of our Advent Season at FBC Pompano. Our minds then naturally return to the Worship of Christ (Christ mas). With this in mind, I want to share with you a story that comes from SorenKierkegaard, the noted Danish theologian of another century, whom I mentioned this past Sunday. He wrote of—This prince was running an errand for his father one day in the lo...  Read More
Praise Please
by Dr. Ron Harvey on November 25th, 2023
I have always loved the Season of Thanksgiving. It is a favorite of mine because it is the purest of religious holidays that we observe as a nation. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, enjoyed time with family and friends, and have indeed taken time to express thanksgiving to God.Last Sunday I shared the message Thanksgiving Living (1Thessalonians 5:16-18). Well, this Sunday I will share the foll...  Read More
Thanksgiving Thinking
by Dr. Ron Harvey on November 18th, 2023
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17).The New Testament writer is teaching us in this passage to gain a proper perspective on the good things of our life. He says, “These things are of God.” He is the One who deserves praise. This is so true!I consider this to be a life-changing truth in G...  Read More




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